To have a better overview of your financial picture, you need to keep up with your income and expenses and have a budget. This was achieved by having a paper ledger or making a spreadsheet. Fortunately, due to improved technology, new finance apps for tracking your finances, keeping tabs on your investments, and creating and managing your budget appear every week. There are a variety of apps that aim at helping with budgeting and personal finance management. Listed below are some of the best and most reliable financial apps.
1. Spendee
This is among the best financial apps because it is a collaborative budgeting app that lets you track your money automatically in income and expenses. The app also enables you to invite others so you can manage your shared household or family budgets. It will let you track multiple currencies across all your accounts. The basics of the app are free; however, getting Spendee Plus upgrades your experience. It allows you to create multiple wallets and invite friends and family members to share your wallet with them at a fee. The app’s bill tracker feature ensures you get all your payments.
2. Personal Capital
It is a user-friendly finance app for managing and tracking all your financial accounts in one convenient place. You can easily integrate all your accounts since they are already connected with over 13,000 financial institutions, and the app will retrieve data from all your connected accounts automatically.
Personal Capital uses a two-step remote authentication process and bank-level security to verify your identity and device to keep your data safe. Every individual transaction is reported by importing transaction files. Afterward, the transactions are split automatically into various categories: credit card, investment, loan, and cash. Besides, you can also add set a date range and export your data whenever you want.
3. You Need A Budget
Also known as ‘YNAB,’ it is much more than a personal budgeting and finance app. It aims to change your habits and help you break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. It follows four basic principles while training your financial behaviors.
First, you must be intentional about what you want your money to do before you spend it. The second one is to embrace your actual expenses and prepare for the future. Thirdly, adjust accordingly, and last but not least, age your money to break the paycheck-to-paycheck habit.
4. Mint
Mint is a free financial tracker and money management app built to help you get ahead of your spending. It is an easy-to-use budgeting app that combines your bank account, bills, credit cards, and investments in one place to see what you’re spending and what you can save. It also offers a feature called MintSights with money-saving insights that the app generates based on your financial information. Users can avoid late fees by forgetting to pay a bill on time.
5. Kubera
It is a tool that enables you to keep track of all your investments side by side so that you get a picture of your net worth in one location. Its spreadsheet-like interface is easy to use for most users who require manual data entry. It has cool graphs and tracking tools for user dashboards. The best thing about Kubera is that it uses multiple backend connection tools that let you connect to any of your online accounts.