Indoor gardening has become very popular in recent years, with many people getting inspired by greenery interior designs. As much as it might seem very casual, keeping plants at can improve your health and well-being. Below are some of the health benefits of plants:
- Unlike plastic plants, real ones help sharpen your attention
- Indoor plants can help reduce your stress levels
- Working in an environment with plants can be therapeutic
- Plants play an essential role in boosting your productivity
Keeping plants at home means taking good care of them. One way to do so is constantly watering them with distilled water. This is very important because using water with too many chemicals or metals can kill your plants. You can use Brita reverse osmosis to filter out any impurities in water before using it on plants. Here are some more tips on how to keep healthy plants at home.
Increase Humidity Levels
The conditions inside your house can be dry and drafty. Therefore, it is important to keep your plants away from doorways, drafty windows and heater vents. It would help if you increased the humidity levels by setting up plants on trays with small pebbles and filled with distilled water. Alternatively, you can place them in natural humid areas like bathrooms or kitchens to ensure adequate light. When plants mist, they temporarily increase the humidity levels, increasing the risk of foliage disease.
Water Them Properly
Like any other containerized plants, houseplants need thorough and frequent watering. You should wet the entire root ball and let excessive water down the bottom of the pot. It is not recommended to leave standing water in the catch tray for more than 48 hours. This is because long periods of standing water can cause root disease. Always allow the soil to dry first before watering. Furthermore, check the soil moisture to ensure it is in good condition.
Do so by sticking your finger into the top two inches of soil. If it is dry, you should water it again. Alternately, you can assess whether a plant is dry by lifting the pot. It will be heavy after watering and lighter when dry. You should water the plant heavily to prevent salts from building up; this should be done at least once or twice a month. To do this, you can take the plant outdoors or place it in a sink.
Match the Plants with Light Conditions
Houseplants have different light requirements. Some work best with the light found next to a window facing south. Others thrive in the morning sunlight, often found in the east-facing window. Keep in mind that the distance from the window affects the quality and intensity of light. Even more, sunlight patterns and intensity varies with seasons. Generally, houseplants work best with light from the outdoors.
Some plants need less light, but it is good to match the plants with suitable light conditions. This will go a long way in ensuring that your houseplants are healthy. You will also know when the plants are exposed to too much or too little sunlight. When exposed to too much light, houseplants tend to turn yellowish, with leaves wilting even if you water them. On the other hand, plants exposed to little light get less compact and leggy.
Fertilize and Control Pests
Houseplants need frequent watering, a process that leaches nutrients out of the soil. To replace them, you need regularly fertilize your plant. Besides, pests like whiteflies, scale and aphids can cause damage to your plant. Therefore, you should regularly inspect the plant for any signs of pests. Apply relevant pest control measure in case your houseplant is attacked.
Avoid Moving Your Plant
Naturally, plants adapt to surroundings very slowly, so it is good not to move them around frequently. You should also avoid placing your houseplants in a place where they will be drastic temperature changes. Moving your houseplant from a dark corner where it is used to moderate sunlight to an area where it is exposed to excessive sunlight can damage it. If at all you have to move your houseplant, take it to the new area for an hour every day. Do so gradually until the plant fully adjusts to the new position.
Prune the Plant Regularly
Some houseplants need you to prune their roots regularly. Failure to prune them, they can grow out of control. Furthermore, their roots can outgrow the vase or pot. Therefore, you should regularly prune your houseplant to keep it healthy.
Houseplants provide many health benefits. Having known the various tips on how to keep a healthy plant, you can go ahead and get one for yourself!