Everyone needs water to survive, and it can be challenging to get kids to drink it. Given that our bodies lose a lot of water through sweating, digestion, and breathing — things that kids do — it is crucial that kids drink enough water to stay energized and healthy. If you are having challenges getting your kids to drink water, try these tips to encourage hydration.
Ensure Its Availability
Your kid is more likely to request water if it is the only drink in sight. When having meals with them, always ensure there is a glass of water within their reach. You can also carry a water bottle when outdoors. Besides, since you won’t be around all the time, you can install a water cooler in your home. This makes it easy for kids to access water without your help. Remember to keep the nozzle at a lower height for easier access by kids.
Make It Taste Better
In most cases, kids avoid drinking water due to its neutral taste. You can make your water taste better by getting a water softener installation. Besides, you can infuse delicious fruits or vegetables to give the drink a better taste. If you want to be adventurous, you can also experiment with mint. This will get your kids to drink water abundantly and willingly.
Kids like drinking cold water, especially when thirsty on a hot afternoon. To get water cold and tasting better, you can freeze ice cube trays with berries and then add them to water. This will not only improve its taste but also get it cold.
Get them Fun Drinking Cups and Straws
Kids love it when you give them the freedom to exercise their independence. You can use this to your advantage by letting them choose their cups and straws. For the best results, you can get a colorful, twisty straw for them to choose from. Once they have exercised their freedom and settled on one, let them know that the straws and cups should only be used for water. This will get them anxious to use the items all the time, making them drink more water!
Kids also fancy cute water bottles. It is even better for them if they can own one and carry it all the time. This makes it important to get cool water bottles that match their personality. The act of drinking water from such bottles is exciting for them, and they will always be willing to refill it once it runs out. In addition, kids fancy bottles with cool shapes. For instance, you can get them a penguin-shaped water bottle or one shaped like their favorite characters. Therefore, embrace the idea of fun water bottles and drinking straws to improve your kids’ water intake.
Turn Drinking Water into a Game
You can get your kids excited about drinking water by turning it into a game. For example, you can challenge them to drink water up to a certain level. This works best if the water bottle has several markings or drawings. For example, if their water bottle has a picture of “Spongebob Squarepants,” you can challenge them to drink water until they reach the bottom of Spongebob’s shoes.
Besides, you can spice things up by offering simple rewards for such accomplishments. You can offer to take them to the park or buy them candy. Such activities will encourage kids to drink more water. As they grow, they will be accustomed to it, embracing the idea even without enticing rewards.
Consider Veggies and Fruits
If you fail to get them to drink liquid water, consider incorporating more fruits and veggies in their diet. Given that these healthy and delicious foods contain a good percentage of water, it can be a reliable way to keep your kids hydrated. Most kids love watermelons, baby carrots, and strawberries, all of which can be excellent water sources.
Set a Good Example
Kids learn a good percentage of mannerisms from their parents. So, if you want to get them to drink water, you should lead by example. Ensure that you drink lots of water when around them so that they can learn. Encourage them to drink more water by telling them the benefits of doing so. Simple expressions like “drink more water so that you can tall like daddy” can go a long way in motivating kids to drink water.
There are several ways you can get your kids to drink water. Now that you know some of them, apply them to keep your kids healthy and hydrated.